I am 24 years old, twice divorced, and the mother of three small sons, so as to give you some idea of what I am like. I feel myself to be a broad minded person, I have never (due to wonderful parents), been one to accept anything as "what is right or wrong". I believe that what is normal and right for me could be absolutely wrong for some- one else.

Larry, (my boyfriend's name) went through what I can imagine, a hell of fear and torment the night he told me about himself. For this reason, I feel he has put me in a very desirable place, at the top of his trust and love, and I certainly hope to deserve this honor. So I must tell you, upon reading your wonderful presentation of the facts con- cerning wives of TVs, I felt vastly relieved in my thoughts.

Thank you for giving all the Larrys in the world a glimpse of hope and understanding. I can't speak for anyone else, but only by my own personal reaction to reading your book, but I do most sincerely thank you.

Wish us Luck!

God Bless You

Another Virginia

Dear Virginia Prince:

Today in the mail we received our copy of your wonderful book, The Transvestite and His Wife, and it was like receiving a breath of fresh air in what we beheld as a feared stale world.

Now I am so very excited to receive information on how to receive your magazine and any other information or contacts in our world.

The release I experienced in the pages of your book has been awaited for many years, in which I went through many "purges" and periods of self condemnation. My wife is reading your book now, and I am so fortunate, in that we share completely and openly discuss my feelings and now wait to find the experiences of others.

Thank you for your expression. We now anxiously await your reply.

Sincerely, J. W.